About Our Apparel

Our apparel is designed, through our “ice-breaking” phrases and designs, to inspire connections, start conversations, open dialogues, help you make new friends, help you have healthier interactions  with your existing relationships, and form deeper, meaningful relationships.

Most of our products are kept on-hand, but in limited batches and we do this to keep our footprint as small as we can while helping you represent us and help you identify others who share your world views to make kinder, nicer, and healthier connections.

Some of our products, that are less complex and intricate, are made especially for you as soon as you place an order, which is why it takes us a bit longer to deliver it to you. Making products on demand instead of in bulk helps reduce overproduction, which supports achieving B Corp status and aligns directly with our mission and vision, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions!

We do not believe that it is at all enough to simply align with your cares, concerns, interests, ideology purely in marketing and advertising. We believe that it is not simply about just “being cool” either. So we are taking a stance to put our money where our mouth is and leading from day one, by example. Sometimes we will fall, trip, or make mistakes, but we will be accountable and operate with integrity.

About Our Collections

We Believe: with an Abundant Mind, that all human beings are created equal and have the rights to live their lives the way the truly feel self expressed and natural, without harming another’s life or lifestyle in safe ways, where differences are understood and accepted – where tolerance is practiced in even the most difficult of times, and we operate with patience, compassion, empathy, kindness and love – for ourselves as well as everyone else… all in a healthy communication, where we listen, observe, and articulate with ourselves and others.

Classics: that are inspired by some of our favorite brands, artists, what's happening in culture, and how we "wellvyl-ize" them into our Socially Well vision for the world with just a little Wellvyl sprinkled in.

Branded: is simple and fits easily into your everyday life with a subtle style.
            The W Capsule: The 3 dots on top of the W represent our commitment to a Kinder, Nicer, Healthier WORLD. So, wear this collection proudly and let the world know you vibe with us - low key or however you choose.
            Basic-vyl Capsule:

How to Wear

Wear how you want. Whether as sets, mix-and-match with our other Collections or Capsules to fit your vibe, or show us your own stylings on TikTok, the Gram, or email us.


Our apparel supports a bigger purpose, which is Wellvyl, The Social Wellness Movement.

What is Wellvyl?

Wellvyl is a movement focused on health, inclusiveness, positive thinking, how we treat one another, and most importantly, how we’ll make a better world. We do this by getting to the core of our interactions with others and communication. Everything begins with how we exist in conversations. How we listen to others and how we articulate what we are thinking and feeling. Wellvyl’s mission is to improve human interactions and communication to create a 1% kinder, nicer, and healthier human experience through products and services that all support in concert our ideology and hope for humanity as our Lifestyle Brand.

Other Parts of Our Lifestyle Brand

MEDIA: This is where you can navigate improving your Social Wellness like your social skills and discover how we got to a society where loneliness has become a pandemic and what it will take to shift it to a more balanced human experience. You can subscribe to our Magazine to read and learn, or watch shows, films, interviews, talk shows, and documentaries that will enrich and entertain your thoughts and feelings as your embark with us on this journey.

SOCIAL WELLNESS SOCIAL CLUB: This is where you can participate with us IRL. Get your ticket to meet us at our parties, events, classes, and retreats. Join our membership services to have someone to help or just be there.


Wellvyl and its subsidiaries are Public Benefit Corporations all working towards B Corporation Status, and our proceeds will directly go to fund social impact developments, legislation, create jobs, opportunities, community projects and programs, and our own nonprofits. Our revenue and bottom line are for People, Planet, and Profit.

People – First, we will be paying our team 20% to 40% above market rates as we grow (thanks to your purchasing support) to lead by example and influence the raising of wages outside of the executive suite and have a minimum wage of $25/hour at our organization. Additionally, when it comes to being in the Apparel business, we know there are questionable environments and we will take strong clear stances on working conditions and absolutely no child labor or slavery of any sort in our ecosystem. Therefore, with our revenue we will be contributing funding and our platform to community social engagement projects, minority startups, and public work for better infrastructure, policy, reform, and so much more.

Planet – Second, fund and support projects for sustainability, clean energy, consult on urban development in cities while making sure we are investing in partners, manufacturers, suppliers, and developers, and product fulfillment logistic solutions that are (or help achieve) negative carbon footprints, while we manage and maintain as limited of a footprint as possible while serving you.

Profit – Third, to help grow our team, train and invest in their internal projects, help our partners grow and succeed, create great returns for our investors, and to provide a stronger economic engine for our overall Social Wellness Mission and Vision.
